GrameenPhone Internet modem software Upgrade

**Are you having slow speed in GrameenPhone E1550 USB modem (6-12 KBps)?

**Did you accidently changed your Modems Dashboard from grameenphone to another generic dashboard and now want grameenphone dashboard again?

**Your GrameenPhone E1550 Modem performing slow in windows 7?

You are in the right place. Follow the steps below to resolve these issues.

[Caution: This Update is only for Grameenphone Huawei E1550 Model. Don't try this in any other model otherwise your modem will be dead. Please do it at your own risk. I will not be responsible for any damage.]

GrameenPhone of Bangladesh is the first mobile phone company who introduces EDGE Internet Modem in Bangladesh. Since it launches its first modem that is Huawei E162G in Bangladesh they got huge customer for their modem. The First modem was honestly awesome in performance average download speed 25 to 40KBps. They had a limited supply of that model.

After that Model The introduced ZTE Brand EDGE modem which is also quite good in performance. The ZTE model did not lastes too long.

Few months ago GrameenPhone launches Huawei E1550. I personally used that modem and I am really disappointed with its performance. Whenever I connect the modem with pc I saw the system showing its a 3G(fake) USB Modem. Moreover I noticed the Card reader not showing any extra drive. The average download speed is around 6 to 15 KBps which is quite disappointing.

The main reason for all these problem was the driver inside the modem. It does not have windows 7 driver. The modem runs in vista driver which is not healthy for the system at all.

For those who are in trouble with the modem I got a solution for them. I made a Dashboard for Grameenphone modem which will upgrade the modem driver which is inside the modem. I included XP, Vista and windows 7 driver in it. All you need is to download the software and then flash your modem.
Remember it will upgrade the software that is inside the modem not the PC. Those who have accidently changed grameenphone software of their modem and want it back they can use this to have grameenphone software back inside their modem.

How to flash/upgrade your GrameenPhone Huawei E1550 modem:

1) First Uninstall old Grameenphone internet software that is already installed and delete the Grameenphone internet folder from C:/ drive> Program File.

Now download my dashboard software from here

2) Disconnect internet if your modem is connected to internet.

3) Unzip and run. Make sure your modem is connected to the pc and disconnected from internet.

4) Press next until it detect the modem and flash your modem.

5) When flashing will be done it will show done. Now unplug the modem from the pc then connect again.

6) Now install the modem in your PC.

Thats it. you are done. Now you will see noticeable increase in internet speed. Also the card reader as a drive in your computer.

***If anybody don't like the new dashboard and want to go back to the previous dashboard, download the following dashboard and install it in your modem. This will undo/reverse the dashboard update that has done previously.

For Huawei E-1550 User Download this:
Huawei E1550 Generic (Grameenphone)

For Huawei EC-162G User Download this:
Huawei EC-162G Generic (Grameenphone)

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